Youth Pastor - Justin Gruber
Wednesdays 7:00 - 8:15 pm
Grades: 6-12
What do we do at PULSE?
Each week we begin by having time to connect relationships of students and leaders followed by lively praise and worship by our student worship team. We discuss practical areas that concern the student’s lives every day.
The purpose of PULSE Youth Ministry is to help students grow in their own relationship with Christ and to give them the tools necessary to be the pulse of Christ in their world of influence.
…Let us run with endurance the race God has set before us. Hebrews 12:1b
Christ is the source of our pulse. He is our drive to live. Others must see Him in our lives!
Youth Convention, Summer Camp, Winter Jam, water slides, retreats, movie nights, and All-nighters are some of the highlights each year.
Our teens serve our local community through our Free Back to School Yard Sale, by helping with our church food pantry, by visiting local nursing homes, and through various service opportunities throughout the year.
Click Here to keep up with PULSE events through FaceBook!
Please feel free to contact Pastor Justin at Justinvfcc@gmail.com or through the church office at (717) 692-3904